Poor IAQ

Keep Your Allergies at Bay With These Helpful IAQ Tips

June 1, 2020

Don’t let allergies make you suffer. Whether you’re allergic to dust, pollen, ragweed or anything else in the air, these IAQ tips will help you keep them at bay:

Invest in an Air Purifier or Air Cleaner

These systems are your “frontal assault” in the war for cleaner air in your home. Air cleaners and purifiers work by removing contaminants directly, including allergens such as dust and pollen as well as pet hair and microbial. Depending on the severity of your allergies, there are more or less powerful versions available. If someone in your home has serious allergies or asthma, it’s best to invest in a true HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) system rather than a “HEPA-like” product.

Consider Using a High-Quality Humidifier

Sometimes indoor air can get dry, which aggravates asthma and allergies. The best way to keep your air at a good humidity level is to invest in a humidifier. In addition to easing asthma and allergy symptoms, humidifiers help to preserve your wooden furniture.

Invest in an Energy Recovery Ventilator

Getting through the spring, summer and fall means that you probably have your air conditioner running almost continuously. Unfortunately, having the AC system on means you have to keep your doors and windows closed, and that can cause indoor air to get old and stale. An energy recovery ventilator works with your air conditioner or heat pump to bring in fresh outdoor air while saving you money on electricity.

These are just a few tips for making it through the warmer months with your allergies under control. If you want to improve your IAQ even more, contact Quality Heating & Cooling today. We have the solutions to all your IAQ troubles. We’ll make sure you’re breathing easier, sleeping better and living a healthier life inside your home.

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